CITY, COUNTY: Snohomish, Snohomish County
The Snohomish River is the second largest producer of Endangered Species Act-listed Chinook salmon in the Puget Sound. The Moga Farm Restoration project is located just below the confluence of the Skykomish and Snoqualmie Rivers, south of the City of Snohomish and critical spawning and rearing habitat for both the Snohomish-Skykomish and Snoqualmie populations of Chinook salmon. In the early to mid-1930’s, much of this reach was diked and the river has moved very little in the last seventy years. The original dikes on the Moga Farm restricted valuable side-channel habitat off which provides critical adult holding and juvenile rearing habitat for several species of salmon. The project is mutually beneficial for both the farm owner and fish. The site allows better access to the fields below the farmstead, prime wildlife viewing, and more flood storage during high flows.
Key Actions:
- Dike removal and reconnection of 6.3 acres of back-channel habitat that once restricted fish access to side channel habitat
- Removal of two barrier road crossings and culvert installation to improve the channel outlet to the Snohomish River
- Woody debris placement in streams to slow water flow, making it easier for juvenile fish to rear and adults to move upstream
- 5 aces of riparian planting that serves as a buffer to pollutants entering the stream from runoff, provides shade to cool water, controls erosion, and provides habitat and nutrient input for fish
- Back channel habitat provides juvenile rearing and adult holding habitat for ESA listed Chinook, coho, and steelhead salmon for agricultural use
- Provided better access to productive agricultural fields below the farmstead in the spring and winter months
- Increased flood storage during high flows, reducing flood risk downstream
Project Partners:
- Snohomish Conservation District
- Greg Moga, landowner
- Puget Sound Acquisition & Restoration (PSAR) Fund
- Salmon Recovery Funding Board
- Washington State Conservation Commission
- Snohomish Basin Lead Entity
- NOAA’s Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
COST: $100,000 for design, $521,000 for construction, including $93,668 PSAR funds