Puget Sound Innovation Stories

Don’t Drip and Drive

Don’t Drip and Drive

Helping drivers prevent pollution from drips and leaks Each year, vehicles driving around Puget Sound leak approximately 7 million quarts of vehicle fluids, including motor oil, fuel, lubricants and more into the Puget Sound watershed. Oil and other petroleum products...

StormFest Education Program

StormFest Education Program

Delivering Effective Stormwater Education to Diverse Communities StormFest is a hands-on, one-day, outdoor stormwater and watershed science education program for middle school students in the City of Burien. The program was developed to teach students what stormwater...

Olympia Oyster Restoration

Olympia Oyster Restoration

Rebuilding native oyster beds and important habitat The Olympia oyster is Washington's original oyster. As our only native oyster species, they help keep our estuaries healthy by providing habitat for a diverse community of organisms. The oysters grow in aggregations,...

Restoration of the Pinto Abalone

Restoration of the Pinto Abalone

Recovery of an iconic shellfish species to Puget Sound Abalone are large marine snails important to the food web. The pinto abalone is the only abalone species found in Washington waters. This native species has cultural and ecological significance, grazing rock...

Cornet Bay Nearshore Habitat Restoration

Cornet Bay Nearshore Habitat Restoration

Restoring Nearshore Habitat While Improving Public Access Thousands of visitors come to Cornet Bay every year to launch boats, picnic, fish and crab. Six lanes of boat launches provide the main saltwater access from Deception Pass State Park, with as many as 800 boats...

Clean Samish Initiative

Clean Samish Initiative

Cleaner water for shellfish beds The Puget Sound Partnership 's Leadership Council set a goal of upgrading 10,800 acres of shellfish beds by 2020. Over 4,000 of those acres are in the Samish River watershed. The Clean Samish Initiative is a partnership working to...

Swinomish Clam Gardens

Swinomish Clam Gardens

Reviving the Past to Protect the Future The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community (SITC) is working near Similk Bay to revive an ancient mariculture practice by installing the first present-day clam garden in the United States. Clam gardens are shoreline habitats modified...

Voluntary No Anchor Zones

Voluntary No Anchor Zones

Protecting eelgrass and shellfish habitats through voluntary community action Port Townsend is a popular destination for pleasure boaters in Washington's inland waters. Eelgrass beds flourish in the nearshore just beyond the waterfront and were at risk for significant...

Weaverling Spit Nearshore Habitat Restoration

Weaverling Spit Nearshore Habitat Restoration

Removing bulkheads to create habitat for forage fish Weaverling Spit is located on Fidalgo Bay, and is traditional homeland of the Samish people. Bulkheads made of concrete, creosote-timber, or rock piles were originally built to protect property, but the bulkhead was...

Bowman Beach Nearshore Restoration

Bowman Beach Nearshore Restoration

Restoring an ecosystem and providing a beach to enjoy Bowman Bay is a pocket beach located in the Whidbey Basin at Deception Pass State Park. Prior to the 1970s, a seawall was built to protect a fish hatchery that was operated at the site. The hatchery was dismantled,...

ECOSS Spill Kit Program

ECOSS Spill Kit Program

Preventing accidental spills before they drain into waterways Stormwater runoff is the leading source of pollution in Puget Sound watersheds. During storms, rainwater picks up everyday spills and leaks from business activities, construction work and vehicles. These...

Derelict Fishing Gear Program

Derelict Fishing Gear Program

Protecting marine animals from entanglement in lost fishing gear Commercial and recreational fishing is a way of life in Puget Sound where generations have enjoyed the bounty of the harvest and the thrill of the catch. Lost fishing gear such as gillnets and crab pots...

Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative

Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative

Local people. Local solutions. The Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative catalyzes and empowers local communities to conserve and restore their marine resources. Established in 1998, the Northwest Straits Commission provides funding, training and support to...

Drayton Harbor

Drayton Harbor

CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 2 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: 42 WRIA: 1 CITY, COUNTY: Blaine, Whatcom County Project Summary For decades, Drayton Harbor provided ideal growing conditions for shellfish and jobs for many in the local community. By 1995, much of Drayton Harbor was...

Lyre Conservation Area

Lyre Conservation Area

CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 6 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: 24 WRIA: 18 CITY, COUNTY: Dungeness, Clallam County Project Summary The Western Strait of Juan de Fuca, a migratory corridor for Puget Sound salmon, is characterized by small pocket estuaries and high-energy beaches. The...

Samish Indian Nation Creosote Removal

Samish Indian Nation Creosote Removal

Over the last three years, more than 400,000 pounds of creosote treated wood and marine debris have been removed from both public and private shorelines of Skagit County, Island County, Southern Whatcom County, and the San Juan Islands. Lead by the Samish Indian...

Salish Sea Marine Survival

Salish Sea Marine Survival

Endangered Species Act listed Puget Sound Chinook salmon populations have plummeted by 50% since the mid-80s and steelhead have experienced even steeper declines. Research points to marine survival as the missing link to recovery. The Salish Sea Marine Survival...

Lower Big Quilcene

Lower Big Quilcene

The Lower Big Quilcene restoration project is in the design phase of developing community-supported actions to improve flood protection for the town of Quilcene, over 30 homes, and road access to the largest employer in Jefferson County—Coast...

Skokomish Estuary Restoration

Skokomish Estuary Restoration

The Skokomish River floods more frequently than any river in Washington, and yet the river channel often goes dry during Chinook salmon migration. This is because nearly half of the Skokomish River estuary had been converted to diked farmland, which contributed to...

Salish Sea Stewards

Salish Sea Stewards

Skagit County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) established the Salish Sea Stewards program to engage residents in marine monitoring, restoration, and outreach projects. Volunteers receive professional training by local experts in nearshore ecology and a variety of...

Washington’s Local Source Control Partnership

Washington’s Local Source Control Partnership

Washington's Local Source Control Partnership offers small businesses in 19 Puget Sound communities free, hands-on pollution prevention assistance, such as spill prevention, proper chemical management, and other resources. Many pollution prevention programs focus on...

Duwamish Gardens in Tukwila

Duwamish Gardens in Tukwila

Duwamish Gardens will provide nearly an acre of shallow-water habitat for salmon, as well as a pleasant park for urban residents to enjoy. Young salmon need off-channel, shallow-water habitat, where they can feed on insects and invertebrates that live among the...

Birch Bay

Birch Bay

Birch Bay, north of Bellingham, was closed to commercial shellfish harvesting in 2008 because of bacteria contamination, affecting a 670-yard radius around the mouth of Terrell Creek.  Local, state, and federal agencies collaborated to create a comprehensive...